Air Conditioning: What’s that smell?

Have you been experiencing a mildew like odor when your air conditioning is on? We promise this more than likely is coming from your air conditioning, and not yourself or your passengers. That smell often is deriving from a growth of bacteria in the air conditioning system. Frequently, this occurs in older vehicles or a vehicle that gets seldom use. The bacteria build up can also come from excess moisture, caused by the air conditioning regularly being on the maximum setting.

Don’t worry this is can be fixed. Replacing your air filter will help take care of this issue. Your air filter collects dust, dirt and water and is a perfect place for bacteria to live. Best practice is to replace your air filter every 12,000 – 15,000 miles. If replacing your air filter does not eradicate the odor, your air conditioning evaporator may require a good cleaning as well.

Your local Car-X is here to help, so call or go online to schedule an appointment at and we’ll investigate that pesky smell for you.

Spring Cleaning & Maintenance

spring car maintenance

Wash winter’s grit & road salt away and enjoy the Spring weather in your clean ride!

Spring cleaning checklist:

Undercarriage flush – With the onset of spring, all car owners should have their car’s undercarriage flushed.

De-grunge – To remove grunge you need to wash your car with a strong detergent; most car wash solutions do not have the strength to cut through the dirt. Try a solution of 1 ounce of dish-washing detergent to 3 gallons of cool water to wash your car.

Clean and Seal – If your car’s paint feels rough, you need a cleaner. If your paint has scuffs and scratches, you need a heavier polish.

Treat – If your car has a leather or vinyl interior, it needs to be treated before the onset of summer’s heat.

Dashboard Shine the dashboard with a clean fabric softener sheet. The anti-static elements will help repel dust from the dashboard.

Chrome & Windows – To clean chrome & glass, sprinkle Baking Soda on a damp rag, scrub, & rinse clean.

Hubcaps – To clean dirt & grime from hubcaps, spray with Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner. Let sit for 15 seconds and rinse clean.


Spring Cleaning & Maintenance

spring car maintenance

Wash winter’s grit & road salt away and enjoy the Spring weather in your clean ride!

Spring cleaning checklist:

Undercarriage flush – With the onset of spring, all car owners should have their car’s undercarriage flushed.

De-grunge – To remove grunge you need to wash your car with a strong detergent; most car wash solutions do not have the strength to cut through the dirt. Try a solution of 1 ounce of dish-washing detergent to 3 gallons of cool water to wash your car.

Clean and Seal – If your car’s paint feels rough, you need a cleaner. If your paint has scuffs and scratches, you need a heavier polish.

Treat – If your car has a leather or vinyl interior, it needs to be treated before the onset of summer’s heat.

Dashboard Shine the dashboard with a clean fabric softener sheet. The anti-static elements will help repel dust from the dashboard.

Chrome & Windows – To clean chrome & glass, sprinkle Baking Soda on a damp rag, scrub, & rinse clean.

Hubcaps – To clean dirt & grime from hubcaps, spray with Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner. Let sit for 15 seconds and rinse clean.


Car sitting idle for weeks or months? Here’s what you need to know.

car sitting idle, auto repair, car maintenance, car care

Has your car been sitting for weeks? Maybe even Months? If so, there are some things you need to know to keep your car working properly for when you need it. The main issue that you might run into is a dead battery. That is why it is good practice to drive your car for a few minutes every two to three weeks. The last thing you want to happen is to be in an emergency situation where you need to use your car and it won’t start due to a dead battery.

A dead battery is the main concern but there are other issues that can occur with letting your car sit dormant for too long. You many also run into a problem with your tires. Over time, and especially in the colder months, your tires will slowly lose air pressure and if you don’t refill the tires and continue to let the car sit this can cause permanent flat spots. Driving with flat spots on your tires will cause a bumpy ride and even a bit of noise. By keeping your tires inflated and driving your car every couple of weeks, you will avoid this problem and help retain your tire’s shape.

A less common issue that can happen is rodent infestation in your car. Sometimes rodents will take up residence under the hood or even in the exhaust pipe. The biggest problem that can happen is the rodents may chew through wiring harnesses and other parts made of soy and other organic materials used on modern vehicles.

Make sure to do a routine check on your car every couple of weeks. Drive it for a few miles to make sure everything is working. Keep your tires inflated and gas tank full. If you find yourself with a dead battery, flat tire, or even damage by rodents your local Car-X is here to help. Find your Car-X here.

What to Keep in Your Car at All Times

Ask yourself this: If you were stuck with a flat tire, a dead battery, an empty gas tank, a blown gasket or any number of other car troubles, would you be prepared? Most drivers try not to think about the possibility of being in any of those situations, but the fact is it happens more often than what we would think. Throw in the factor of bad weather, especially come the winter months and that probability of getting stranded increases.

When these events occur having an emergency kit can make a large difference in your experience. Having some of these items can help you get yourself back on the road sooner than later or at least can help keep you safe until someone can come to the rescue.

There is no limit to what you can have in your emergency kit but there are some things that are essential to have. Below is a list of those essential items to keep in your vehicle:

  • Lighting – Flares, Flashlight, Reflective Lighting

No. 1 on your emergency kit checklist should be lighting. Reflective lighting triangle and flares will help notify other drivers of the roadside hazard. We suggest getting Led battery-operated flares, they are longer lasting and reusable. A flashlight is also very important to have on hand to help you investigate the issue with your car. It is important to keep extra batteries as well. 

  • Jumper Cables/ Jump Starter

Car batteries often die or lose juice at the least opportune moments, having jumper cables can be the difference between waiting for 10 minutes to find another driver to jump your car or hours for a tow truck to get out to you. Another option is having a jump starter. This device acts like the battery of another vehicle with jumper cables directly attached. The instructions are the same procedure as jumping your battery with another person’s vehicle. Often these devices have multipurpose uses, some come with an air compressor and a flashlight attached. The only thing that you must make sure to do if you decide to get a jump starter is to make sure to charge it. Without a charge it will be useless, so it is always good to have a separate set of regular jumper cables.

  • First Aid Kit

The first aid kit is a must have item for your emergency kit. You can find prepack kits that will have all the essentials for small to more serious injuries. It is easy to injury yourself while trying to get your car back up and going. Be prepared for the worst and always hope for the best.

  • Blankets/Warm Clothing

These items are more essential in inclement weather conditions. If your car loses power completely and leaves you stranded on a winters day or evening the temperature in your car will decrease at a very fast pace. Make sure that you keep these items easily accessible to avoid leaving your car door open for longer than necessary, letting in the cold air

  • Spare Tire & Tools

Most of our vehicles have a spare tire or at least should. You should always double check to make sure you have a spare and to make sure that spare is properly inflated. A flat tire and a flat spare tire a recipe for disaster or having a properly inflated spare tire but no tools to switch out the tires. Ensure that you have the proper tools to use your spare tire when the time comes.

Best Type of Oil for Your Car? Synthetic Oil or Conventional Oil?

What type of oil should you use for your car?

No doubt at some point in time you may have heard the ongoing debate about which type of motor oil is best for your motor vehicle.

Functions of Motor Oil

Although the primary function of motor oils is to lubricate all the moving parts of the engine, it carries out a few other functions as well. Motor oils serve to keep the engine cool and provides protection against wear by reducing friction. It also prevents corrosion and keeps the engine free from small pieces of debris.

Conventional Motor Oil

Conventional motor oil has its origins in crude oil, which is pumped from the ground and is processed. A base oil is produced to which additives are added. This changes the properties of the liquid giving it protection properties, improved heat breakdown levels, and viscosity.

Synthetic Motor Oil

Unlike conventional motor oil the base oil of synthetic motor oil comprises artificial or synthesized components, thus its name. Like conventional motor oil however, additives are added to give it properties similar to those of conventional motor oil.

Differences Between Conventional and Synthetic Motor Oil

Although they both carry out the same functions both oils have significant differences in addition to having their pros and cons. Conventional motor oil contains minute amounts of wax, sulfur, and asphaltic material, which are by-products of its manufacturing process. Synthetic motor oil, on the other hand, because it is chemically produced, has none of these contaminants. Another difference between the two is that synthetic motor oils will flow at much lower temperatures making it preferable in harsh winter conditions. At these same low temperatures conventional motor oil would freeze. Being more consistent in size and shape, the molecules of synthetic motor oils better withstand extreme temperatures; hence it will take longer to break down under extreme heat than conventional motor oils. Synthetic motor oils have very low viscosity ratings and in some cases have been known to flow up to seven times faster than conventional motor oils. This comes in handy at engine start up time, as that is when the most engine wear is likely to occur.

Making Your Choice

In deciding on which motor oil you will be using there are other factors besides those already mentioned, which will have to be taken into account. One of these is the type of car that will be using the motor oil. A high performance racecar owner will obviously choose the synthetic motor oil, as that is the oil they were specifically made to use. Newer cars with smaller clearances will also lean towards synthetic motor oils. The cost of the motor oil will play a significant role in the decision on which oil to use too, as the cost of synthetic motor oil can be as much as four times that of conventional motor oil. If someone changes their car yearly they may say why bother towaste extra money on synthetic oil. The car’s age could also play a part as waxes and sludge build-up by conventional motor oil could mask worn engine seals. These could come to light with the introduction of synthetic motor oils, which tends to break down and clean away those build-ups, thus possibly causing leaks and creating problems.

For all of your oil change needs be sure to visit The debate is by no means over and the points here by no means exhaustive, but it is hoped that they will at least point you in the right direction when the time comes for you to buy motor oils

Easy Transmission Maintenance

Transmission repair is one of the most costly and time-consuming car repairs. The transmission is what allows the automotive to move and shift gears. However, there are preventative steps you can take to minimize transmission problems. Car-x offers a free visual inspection of your system. Take advantage of the offer because it will save you money and time in the long run!

Extending the life of your transmission is easy! The MOST important thing to do is to keep your transmission fluid clean and to never let your fluid levels get low. Metal from gears and extreme heat generated by the transmission will contaminate transmission fluids over time and can lead to costly repairs. It’s essential to not only replace your fluid but your filter because it helps to keep your transmission fluid clean. Additionally, low fluid levels can lead to serious damage to your transmission.

So always keep your transmission fluids clean and full. Make sure you don’t have any leaks and that your filter is clean. Stop by Car-X today for your free visual inspection, and keep your transmission running smoothly!

To Change My Oil or Not?

Regular oil changes will save you money in the long run! Most car manufacturers now recommend oil changes between 7,500 and 10,000 miles, although some specify 5,000-mile intervals. The type of engine oil, the age and make of your vehicle and driving habits dictate when to change engine oil. When in doubt check your vehicle’s owner’s manual. If you put off oil changes, it can lead to engine damage.

In addition to regular oil changes, it’s highly recommended that you change your oil filter frequently. The oil filter protections your engine from abrasive particles such as dirt and other solid contaminants. If you wait too long to change the filter it can become clogged, and then as a result unfiltered oil will be circulated through your engine and can cause easily prevented corrosion or damage to your engine.

To find out just how often you should change your oil filter, make sure you consult with your Car-X Man during your next oil change and free inspection!

Expert Brake Service

Being able to stop quickly and smoothly is essential in a car. Quality brakes that function in top condition are fundamental to a driver’s safety. That’s why Car-X takes the matter seriously and offers free, no obligation brake system inspections.  Never neglect your brake system again.

Car-X is so confident in the quality of products and service that we offer a lifetime guarantee on brake pads and brake shoes for as long as you own your car. Key components in the braking systems, shoes and pads provide the majority of the stopping power by creating friction, absorbing heat and energy. Every time the pedal is pressed to stop the car, the shoes and pads bare the brunt of stress and wear.  Schedule an appointment today with the Brake Experts at Car-X.